Beauty Boost Rejuvenate your body and mind fresh and bright for the end of the year.

Taking care of your body and mind in October. When the weather starts to change, preparing you for the end of the year that is full of festivals and fun. But the change in weather can come with changes in your physical and mental health
Skin care during changing weather conditions
When the weather starts to get colder, the moisture in the skin also decreases. Therefore, we should change our skin care and increase the nourishment that helps to add water to the skin, retain water for the skin, and prevent more moisture ufabet loss than usual. Recommend items are moisturizers or skin care creams with a thicker texture than the ones we used before, or look for skin care products.
That contain hyaluronic acid. During October, it is recommend to take care of the skin more than usual by nourishing it with more face masks. Because face masks are another type of skin care that provides deep nourishment, giving the skin moisture and plumpness, laying a strong foundation for the skin before welcoming the winter season at the end of the year.
Mental health care during climate change
During the transition of seasons, there many changes in life. In order for those changes to be changes base on peace and mindfulness. I would like to invite everyone to try to recharge by resting, relaxing the mind, focusing on yourself and your own happiness. This is done by choosing good things for yourself, whether it is getting enough sleep or doing activities.
That make you feel comfortable, such as meditation, light exercise, or taking a warm bath to relieve stress, as well as going out to try new activities, such as Pilates, rock climbing. Thai boxing, and many other good activities that are worth trying in Bangkok. In addition to doing activities, there also items. That help you relax, such as lavender or green tea essential oils. That can help increase relaxation and refresh your mind.